30+ years of experience as a Tax Professional
He and his wife Merry Brodie operated their tax franchise operation with 24 offices and 12,000 returns per year. They sold this business in 2012 and embarked upon a new endeavor, Tax Audit Guardians, assisting troubled taxpayers.
Bill is the former GAEA President & GAEA Education Chair. He is active at the National Level as an elected member of the NAEA Affiliate Council. He holds bachelors (Kettering Institute) and masters degrees (MIT) in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA in Marketing (Wayne State University). He is an NTPI Fellow and has taught at NTPI. He is a member of the NAEA Tax Education Committee and is a Trustee of the NAEA Education Foundation Board. He prepares and presents live programs and webinar programs on timely federal tax topics. He has worked as a SME (Subject Matter Expert) for Prometric, the contractor that prepares and administers the Enrolled Agent Exam.
He is a member of the IRS Southeast Stakeholder Liaison Group and is active in the IRS IMRS (Issue Management Resolution System) calls. He has represented GAEA as a member of the Georgia Tax Practitioners Advisory Group. In his spare time, he and his wife Merry are amateur beekeepers.